Capitol Hill Day

Prevention Day on Capitol Hill

Prevention Day on Capitol Hill is an exciting opportunity for youth and prevention coalitions across Utah, including the San Juan County Youth Coalition and SJCPAC (San Juan County Prevention Action Collaboration Coalition), to engage directly with lawmakers at the State Capitol. This ongoing collaboration empowers young people to educate policymakers on key prevention initiatives while advocating for policies that promote health, safety, and well-being in their communities.

Key Highlights:

  • Meet with Legislators: Youth participants, including members of the San Juan County Youth Coalition and SJCPAC Coalition, engage with lawmakers to discuss important issues affecting their communities.
  • Learn About the Legislative Process: The event offers hands-on learning about how government works, helping participants understand the legislative process and how they can influence change.
  • Educate & Advocate for Healthy Communities: This event is dedicated to educating policymakers on prevention initiatives and advocating for policies that support the health and safety of young people and their communities.

Through the ongoing efforts of SJCPAC Coalition and the San Juan County Youth Coalition, Prevention Day on Capitol Hill provides a powerful platform for youth to make their voices heard and drive meaningful change in Utah’s legislative decisions.